“I believe in love at first sight.”
My co-worker “Hannah” looked at me like I had just said I believed in Santa Claus. “Q,” she said, “the only thing you can feel at first sight is LUST.” But truthfully, love does not have a specific definition for everyone. Though it is generally recognized as intense and/or passionate fondness for some person, place, or thing...it’s really just not that simple. Case in point: Hannah’s new boy toy, Jabari (yes ma'am, miss vanilla only eats chocolate) is head-over-heels in love with her...after day 2. This frightens Hannah very much as she does not comprehend a (hu)man being capable of love so soon.
When I first fell in love, I was 17. & after only the first WEEK of going with "Tremaine," I was ready to move with him to Atlanta after graduation. He was the first guy I'd ever met that could handle me & my smart mouth. Tall, overweight, & bad-built...he was perfect (for me). Did he feel the same about Q? Probably not. But my point is, no one then nor now can tell me that what I felt in my mind & in my heart was not love. For me it was true & to this day, whenever Tremaine & I cross paths, I still get butterflies in my stomach. He's even more overweight & even more badly built now but when I look at him, all I see is the same strong willed & intelligent man that I fell in love with Summer 2002...& I'll always love him.
Truthfully speaking, I was in love from the moment my ex-best friend introduced us. I felt it from the moment we locked eyes. & what I felt for Tremaine, I can never demean by classifying as LUST. His body wasn't even what got my attention & even for the short time we dated, the most I ever did was give him head. The emotion & passion I harbored for him never revolved around sex or his body but everything else about him. Even the lies he told (that I later caught him in) only made him more human & real to me.
The truth is (& by truth we're talking about MY truth here) love is universal:
It's my obsession with words; my best friends infatuation with dancing or my ex-boyfriends pre-occupation with designer labels; it's the raw emotion of an 18-year old girl & her first.
It's you & thy neighbour; it's the flowers & the trees, the birds & the bees; a basic instinct instilled from the womb, shared by mother & unborn child before even being understood; it's Paris & Rome, Texas & Georgia. Love is as basic as hunger, thirst or sleep. Love is me...& you.
Boy Radio
3 days ago